Driving Range

Driving Range

Our large public driving range offers a great place to practice, take lessons, and improve your golf skills.   Open daily to all guests during daylight hours, tee times are not required to use the range.  Guests may check-in and pay for range balls inside the golf shop during regular shop hours, or purchase range balls directly from our ball machine using card or tap to pay.  The range machine does NOT accept cash.  

Small Bucket: $6 (33 range balls)

Large Bucket: $8 (66 range balls)

Golfers receive $1 off range balls with the purchase of a round of golf.

Juniors, ages 18 and under, receive 50% off range balls.

Please wear appropriate golf attire and footwear.  Please hit from the designated hitting area.  The Chimneys takes pride in offering quality range balls which are the property of The Chimneys Golf Course and may not be removed from the premises.  Please do not bring your own range balls.

Please note that the driving range currently closes at 11am on Wednesdays in order for our staff to clean-pick and mow the grass.  The range re-opens usually about 3pm.  Please call ahead to ensure driving range availability.

Groups may also rent the driving range exclusively for private events including competitions, golf clinics, and non-golf social functions.  For information on event rentals, please complete the request for proposal found here

The driving range at The Chimneys Golf Course.