Course Policies

Course Policies & General Information

We ask that your actions on our course and around our facility are to the benefit of all guests.  Our ultimate goal is to facilitate a fun and positive experience for everyone.  Please help by adhering to these basic course policies.  

Dynamic Pricing

We use the standard industry practice of dynamically pricing tee times.  Our rate structure follows the basic principles of supply and demand.  For the lowest rates, reserve your tee time as early as possible within our 30-day booking window.  Always book through our website.  As tee times begin to fill on any given day, rates for that day gradually increase.  The earlier you book, the more you save!

The Chimneys offers a 10% discount to golfers 60+ years of age, Mondays – Thursdays only.  Juniors 18 and under receive 50% off greens fees and range balls.  Still looking for additional savings?  Check out our Annual Pass.

Golf Carts

The Chimneys requires a valid driver’s license to operate a golf cart.  We proudly offer new, Yamaha EFI QuieTech carts, delivered in November, 2022.  Including luxury cruising seats, USB ports, rain hoods, and more, please treat our carts like your future dream car.  Guests are fully responsible for their issued golf cart and are financially responsible for repairs, replacement parts, and property damages caused by improper operation.  The Chimneys Golf Course is not responsible for damages or bodily harm incurred while improperly driving any golf cart.     

Personal Coolers

Did you know we offer beverage cart service daily?  Personal coolers are prohibited at all times unless required for medical reasons. Guests who bring a personal cooler will be asked to leave it in their vehicle during their round. Complimentary coolers will be provided by The Chimneys with the purchase of 2+ beverages. Guests are prohibited at all times from bringing their own alcoholic beverages.

Dress Code

While we are a casual, inclusive facility, we ask that our guests adhere to a basic dress code.  We prefer for men to wear collared shirts with sleeves (no tank tops).  Please refrain from wearing denim and swimwear.  Appropriate shoes must be worn at all times.  Metal spikes, work boots, and flip-flops are prohibited.

On-Course Music

Personal speakers should remain at a volume only audible by you and your playing partners.  Therefore, other golfers on the course should not be able to hear your music.

Fivesomes Prohibited

Golfers must play in groups of 1-4 golfers only.  Groups may not play as a fivesome or greater at any time.  No exceptions.  

Sunlight gently shines through the trees above #13 green.